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Saturday 14 April 2007

The Prick

Spoke too soon. Just when I thought my work is becoming more orderly and focused, I’m thrown into yet another role which I had to absorb and understand the whole process (and the products, the collaterals, ratings et al) within two days as the person previously responsible for it is leaving for greener pastures (I so envy him) and The Prick, isn’t willing to learn it himself.

I had a mind to tell the Prick to shove his reporting where the sun don’t shine as I had had enough of his unreasonable ways of managing his work, or rather his errant ways in ‘tai chi-ing’ his responsibilities and delegating it conveniently to me, to free up his time. He irks me greatly, it’s indescribable. All I ask is for some consideration. I don’t mind undertaking this task, but don’t expect me to learn it within a blink of an eye and be able to produce it error-free within a day. Let’s see him attempt it if it truly is so simple.

Hence, my Friday was absolutely ruined thanks to The Prick. Was juggling between two urgent tasks as I had to get them done by close of business – am leaving for Venice on Monday, remember?

Despite all my anger, silent protests and time-constraint, I did manage to complete them both but my point is, why can’t some people be sensible and not throw me in the deep end and expect me to swim to the surface effortlessly, all in the short span of time available. I seriously don’t know how much longer I can last. I think I’ve contemplated leaving countless times. To-date it has not yet materialised. Solely because some days are so good while others get so excruciatingly intolerable that I just want to throw in the towel already.

Work-life would surely improve if I could be rid of The Prick. Until such time, I shall remain an unhappy Wharfer.

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